Resultados: 1357

Atividade física após angioplastia coronária: elaboração e validação de material educativo

Rev Rene (Online); 21 (), 2020
RESUMO Objetivo elaborar e validar material educativo sobre a realização de atividade física para pacientes submetidos à angioplastia. Métodos elaborou-se material em formato de cartilha, considerando-se as etapas: levantamento da literatura, elaboração textual pertinente à reabilitação car...

Validation of educational material for the care of people with intestinal stoma

Abstract Objective: to validate an educational booklet for people with intestinal stoma as a technological resource in the teaching of self-care. Method: a methodological research for the construction and validation of an educational booklet by nine expert judges and 25 people with stomas. The agreemen...

Sign language instrument for assessing the knowledge of deaf people about Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Objective: to build and validate the content on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) of a sign language instrument for assessing the knowledge of the deaf. Method: methodological study in which the content validity process was used by 22 specialists in cardiac arrest and 16 deaf people. In the validation...

Prevention of alcohol consumption and transmission of human immunodeficiency virus: randomized clinical trial

Abstract Objective: to know the effects of a nursing intervention to reduce alcohol use and risk factors for transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Method: randomized single-blinded clinical trial performed by nurses with young women. The study included 66 participants in the intervention ...

Educative process with relatives of children with special health needs in the hospital-home transition

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the dialogical educative process as a strategy to prepare the relatives of children with special health needs in the transition from hospital to home. Method: qualitative study developed from the Creative Sensitive Method, carried out between February and June 2018 at the...

What has the covid-19 pandemic taught us about adopting preventive measures?

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the COVID-19 pandemic and what we have (re)learned from the world experience of adopting prevention measures recommended by the World Health Organization as well as the epidemiological overview in the world, in Latin America and in Brazil. Results: the World Health Organi...

Educational interventions in improving quality of life for hypertensive people: integrative review

ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of educational interventions in improving the quality of life of people with arterial hypertension. Method: an integrative literature review which included studies that conducted educational interventions aimed at the hypertensive public to improve qual...

Contribuição das Ligas Acadêmicas para Formação em Enfermagem

Enferm. foco (Brasília); 10 (6), 2019
Objetivo: Compreender a contribuição das ligas acadêmicas para a formação em Enfermagem. Metodologia: Estudo exploratório-descritivo, sob abordagem qualitativa, realizado com 31 estudantes de cinco Ligas Acadêmicas do curso de Enfermagem da Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú em Sobral – Cear...

Avaliação de tecnologia inovadora para promoção do desenvolvimento infantil, segundo agentes comunitários de saúde

Este estudo objetivou contribuir para a avaliação da efetividade da cartilha e do manual "Toda Hora é Hora de Cuidar" do projeto "Nossas Crianças: janelas de oportunidades" (projeto Janelas). Entendendo que o desenvolvimento infantil saudável depende de cuidados afetivos, responsivos e estimulantes,...

O processo de construção de material educativo para mulheres vítimas de violência

Enferm. foco (Brasília); 10 (6), 2019
Objetivo: Decrever o processo de construção de um folder educativo sobre violência contra a mulher, destinada a promoção da saúde de mulheres. Metodologia: Utilizando-se o modelo da pesquisa-ação, a construção do folder contemplou quatro etapas: identificação do problema; preparação do cont...