ABSTRACT Objective: to construct and validate the content of a bundle for nutrition transition for premature newborns admitted to a Kangaroo Intermediate Care Unit based on Interactive Theory of Breastfeeding. Method: this is a multiple method research, carried out in five steps: systematic review; si...
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the prevalence and factors associated with breastfeeding in the first hour of life. Methods: Cross-sectional study made with postpartum women who were patients at public maternity hospitals in the city of Teresina, Piauí, Brazil, between 2020-2021. Aspects such as socio...
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the relationship between mental workload and social support in Primary Health Care workers. Method: This is a quantitative cross-sectional survey with healthcare professionals from Primary Health Care in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data were collected online between July ...
ABSTRACT Objective: to interpret the experiences of people with metabolic syndrome in relation to healthcare. Method: this is qualitative research using Grounded Theory as a method and Symbolic Interactionism as a framework for analysis. It was carried out at a Basic Health Unit in the city of Maríli...
ABSTRACT Objective: to develop a prototype web-based software program for managing the assistance to be provided to workers after accidents involving exposure to biological material. Method: a research study on technological production involving the development of web-based software using the Agile S...
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the process of implementing a cancer surveillance technical group based on the health advocacy framework. Method: Convergent Care Research addressing 11 representatives of the support and governance system of the healthcare network in a town in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Da...
ABSTRACT Objective: to present the creation and content validity stages of a questionnaire to assess the determinants of adherence to the safe drug administration five "rights" "x", based on the Theory of Planned Behavior integrative model. Method: a methodological study to create and validate a self...
ABSTRACT Objective: To develop and validate serious game for teaching-learning regarding surgical site infection prevention. Method: This is a methodological study conducted in stages: game content development and validity based on virtual simulation (preparation, participation and debriefing) and cha...
RESUMO Objetivo: realizar a adaptação cultural e a equivalência semântica do Incivility in Nursing Education - Revised Survey para a cultura brasileira. Método: pesquisa metodológica realizada em uma escola paulista de enfermagem e que contou com as seguintes etapas: tradução, síntese das trad...
RESUMO Objetivo: estimar a prevalência de COVID-19 entre os fisioterapeutas brasileiros e seus fatores associados. Método: estudo transversal, segundo inquérito on-line, com a participação de 670 fisioterapeutas de todas as regiões do Brasil. Utilizou-se uma adaptação do método respondent driv...