Total: 74598

Work-related stress and quality of life in nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic

Introduction: Work-related stress is the physical and emotional manifestation triggered by an imbalance in coping with perceived demands. One of the workers most affected by work-related stress is the nursing staff, a situation that was exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic and could affect their qual...

Primary health care: Nurses’ meanings in a Colombian municipality

Introduction: Primary health care is a strategy that involves the different health professionals and other agents in the system who can influence the social determinants that affect human wellbeing. Objective: To know the meanings about primary health care of nursing professionals practicing in this fiel...

Early characterization of an adult population at an insurer’s point of entry as an opportunity to identify hospitalization risk

Introduction: Health Benefit Plan Administrators must manage the health risk of their members. Therefore, health characterization is performed from enrollment to support decision-making and timely intervention. Objective: To analyze the historical results of characterizing the adult population on admissi...

Effect of a Nursing intervention on the uncertainty of family members in Intensive Care

Introduction: Family members of patients admitted to an Intensive Care Unit present high uncertainty level due to not knowing what is happening and to not having clear details about the related events; therefore, interventions are required to allow modulating those levels. Objective: To evaluate the effe...

Femoral fracture in the elderly: dependence on nursing care

Introduction: Due to the aging of the population, nursing processes have been adapted to these patients, who require a high level of care and guidance. Objective: Analyzing the degree of dependence on nursing care by elderly patients (65 years or older) with femur fractures. Materials and Methods: retros...

Bariatric surgery: behavioral patterns and personality disorders in the preoperative period

Introduction: Bariatric surgery has become an increasingly common procedure, especially for patients with morbid obesity who have obtained unsatisfactory results from conventional treatments. Objective: To evaluate the occurrence of behavioral patterns and personality disorders in patients in the preoper...

Analysis of Healthcare-associated Infections before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Colombian hospital

Introduction: Healthcare-associated infections pose a significant challenge, contributing to hospital morbidity and mortality. Objective: To describe the behavior of Healthcare Associated Infections before and during the pandemic reported to a high-complexity health institution in Colombia. Material and ...

Gastroenterocolite eosinofílica - uma causa rara de diarreia

CuidArte, Enferm; 17 (2), 2023
Introdução: Colite eosinofílica é uma doença crônica rara. Pode ser idiopática ou estar associada à alergias alimentares e à doenças atópicas. Assim, a incidência é, muitas vezes, indefinida devido ao seu subdiagnóstico. Objetivo: Relatar o caso de uma paciente com colite eosinofílica e de...

Incremento na prática de exercícios físicos ao ar livre após o início da pandemia covid-19 entre acadêmicos de medicina

CuidArte, Enferm; 17 (2), 2023
Introdução: A atividade física é uma ferramenta importante para a manutenção e promoção da saúde física e mental, porém, diante da pandemia instalada mundialmente pelo coronavírus e consequentemente o distanciamento social para o controle de sua disseminação, foram necessárias adaptações...

Efectividad de un programa de automanejo para cuidadores familiares

Horiz. enferm; (Número especial: Investigación y práctica en condiciones crónicas de salud), 2023
INTRODUCCIÓN: La carga de cuidado en los cuidadores familiares (CF), tiene un efecto en la salud física y mental, relaciones familiares, laborales y estado financiero, aumentando la necesidad de intervenciones efectivas para mejorar el automanejo de su condición y el cuidado al familiar en el hogar. O...